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MGM School Halol

(Managed by The Society of St. Basil)




  1. Every pupil shall attend the class regularly and punctually.
  2. All pupils should present themselves in their school uniform clean and neatly dressed. Personal cleanliness and hygiene are greatly recommended to all. Fingernails should be cut short and kept clean. Nail polish should not be used.
  1. Pupils are expected to come to school with all that is necessary for the day’s work. Every student should bring his/her school diary to school daily.

4.Assembly is held daily at the beginning. At the sound of the first bell students shall move to the Assembly area to take their places according to heights and class. At the sound of the second bell there shall be absolute silence. Prayers must be said with respect and devotion. There shall be no talking while going back to the class.

  1. Pupil should be particularly careful not to throw paper, seeds or other rubbish any where in the school premises. They should use the baskets and bins provided for this purpose. Such types of plastic material which are banned by the government is not to be brought to the school.
  1. No pupil shall leave the school premises without the permission of the Principal.

7 No literature or comic is to be brought to the school without the knowledge of the Principal.

  1. The school shall not be responsible for books, money, clothes or other valuables lost and hence pupils must look-after their own things. It is advisable not to bring money or valuable articles to the school. All are expected to bring their books and other necessary things in a bag.
  1. Any kind of damage done to the school property must be reported to the Principal and must be made good.
  1. Parents or guardians shall not visit their children/ward/teachers in the class room without the permission of the Principal.
  1. No collection for any purpose whatsoever is to be made without the previous knowledge/permission of the Principal

But may be resorted to after consulting the Principal.

  1. Parents are earnestly requested to see that their children do their home work regularly. They are also expected to collect the Progress Report directly on Parent-Teacher Contact Days.
  1. Irregular attendance or absence without genuine reason (satisfactory to the Principal) for more than a week, habitual idleness, repeated failures in tests and examination, disobedience, violation of school rules, indulgence in violence etc. are sufficient reasons to dismiss a pupil from the school.
  1. Pupils should remember that they are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both inside and outside the school. Hence, misbehavior of any kind in the street or in other public places will justify action being taken against the offender.
  2. All are advised to speak in English.
  3. Pupils absenting themselves from the tests and examinations are not eligible for proficiency prizes.
  4. Once a child comes to school, he will be allowed to leave only on the completion of the day’s classes.
  5. Students are not permitted to carry mobile phones, C.Ds, Ipods, Camera etc. to the school.


  1. Any communication made by the parent/guardian should be addressed to the Principal. The Address, Phone No., Roll No., Class and Section of the child should be clearly mentioned in the application. 
  1. Parents are requested not to enter the classroom or make telephone calls to contact or to see their children / teachers during school hours. 
  1. Any change in the Residential Address, Telephone Number or other vital information should be promptly intimated in writing to the school. 
  1. For security reasons, leave for half day should not be asked for, and children when sick should not be sent to school to attend classes. 
  1. Parent’s attention is drawn to the fact that criticism of the school or teacher in the presence of a child should be scrupulously avoided because it causes the students to lose respect for the teachers with the consequent failure to learn from them. It also retards their progress. 

6. In case of a legitimate complaint, the parents must meet the Principal at the earliest. The complaint will be personally verified.